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New Substack Newsletter: The Sentinel

I have been running a newsletter on this site. Slowly, subscription numbers inching closer to four figures, with clunkiness in workflow and expenses, I have preferred to write posts and let them stay. So, based on that it seemed prudent to do a newsletter based on the writings on this blog on substack.

The Newsletter will be called

The Sentinel

What is Sentinel?

The world we live in is mostly water and air. Absurdly commonplace and yet, constantly eluding our grasp.

Everyone has a model of the world that is shaped by their journeys, maps, and tools. We use those models to craft our lives. The Sentinel is a newsletter in which I work through my models of the world. I will write about:

  • business (mostly supply chains, manufacturing, automation, platforms),
  • society (incl. higher education, immigration, growth, India & China), and
  • learning life (books, stoicism, religion, international films).

These topics are eclectic, as are my interests. Hence, the newsletter won’t be programmatic — some threads will be personal and experiential; some data-oriented and dispassionate. The most rewarding part of discovering truths is wandering. So, I hope you will join me.

Why the name Sentinel?

Of all mispronunciations of my name, sentinel was my ‘favorite’ one (first used by an engineering professor during my IIT Bombay days who took a liking to cold-calling me by the wrong name to solve problems on the board).

The name fits the theme. A sentinel is an observer of the world, mostly called to duty as a low-level silentiary. I have always heard interesting stories from such rare voices. This newsletter is a thread relaying those perspectives — building up on my experiences and a rather minimal social (media) presence.

I plan to keep The Sentinel as a thoughtful public notebook with roughly weekly updates. Despite some topicality, the newsletter won’t delve into hot takes, viral conflicts du jour or seek gains from grievances. I hope you still find the posts useful, even when you read them at a later time.

Why is the newsletter free?

I ask only for your valuable time and attention. I will strive to make this newsletter interesting and worth your time.

More seriously, when I am not moonlighting as a writer, I am a Professor at the Wharton School (academic page). Over the past 15 years, I have taught nearly 4000 wonderful students in classrooms. Still, this is a small fraction of readers interested in models of the world.

As a first-generation college-goer, whose life was transformed by the kindness of strangers, I am a big believer in the aspirations of individuals. This email newsletter is for you. I hope you find it useful in ways, small and big.

Despite all the noise and confusion, the reach of the internet can make lives better. So, my hope is to create a space here for interesting perspectives. My first (perhaps ambitious) goal is to reach 4000 subscribers over the next 15 months.

If you like what you read, help me get there by subscribing. It’s free.

Subscribe to My Newsletter

(Roughly) Weekly Emails. I respect your privacy.

Published in Uncategorized